Author Archives: admin

Great Crowdbreaker where the audience acts out the movie that shows up on screen, and a person standing on stage watching the audience has to guess the movie. Similar to "Audience Charades." Simple game that is highly effective. For Middle School through College age.  This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

Bible Trivia Game about God using people to share His message with others. Useful for a discussion on Evangelism or being available for God. For ages Middle School through adult.  This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

Great game to help students learn the books of the Old Testament in order. Useful for all ages!  This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

Our most incredible Parody is back in this awesome sequal game. With 25 questions, three contestants, and a money keeping interface screen that actually lets you edit the contestant’s tally’s live –  this game is one that students will want to play again and again! Fully editable for upgrades. Many people have been asking us for this so here it is! This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

Summer is a great time of year for students and can be highlighted by this trivia game. Useful for Middle School tot adult ages. This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.  

Serious trivia game about the Passion of Christ as well as trivia about the recent movie. Useful with Middle School through adults.  This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

This game is exactly like "The Amazing Grace" and the "Bible Drill" game. Useful in teaching students how to get around their Bibles. Great for all ages! This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

This game has a lot more to do with "friendship/brotherly" love than it does romantic love. Use for a talk about sacrifice or loving our neighbors. Useful for ages Middle School through College. This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>,  <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Appetizer</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.

Use for a 5th quarter or a Super Bowl Party! Guaranteed to stump even your most knowledgeable sports fans with advanced btts meaning! Useful for Middle School up through Adult ages.  This game is also available in the following collections: <a href=””>Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href=””>Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href=””>All You Can Eat</a>.

Great trivia game about everyone’s favorite mammal. Good for Middle School to Adult! This game is also available in the following collections: <a href="">Games and Media Collection 6</a>, <a href="">Games Collection 6</a>, and <a href="">All You Can Eat</a>.
