Over one month ago we got some e-mails from some long time friends at about how to get a free Playstation 3 (Thanks Mike and Andy!). We were skeptical until we received photos and saw them for ourselves. Trying out the program, we were able to fulfill the required steps and we chose the cash option ($500) instead of the PS3 and it reached us on June 11, 2008 (Click here to see an image of the payout).. We want to report to all youth pastors that this is a real and legit way to get video game systems (or cash equivalent) for your church. It is not a rip-off scam or some pain-in-the-neck process. The cost is covered by the companies involved with the program. Since we have already obtained the cash for the PS3, we are now in the process of getting a Nintendo Wii (we probably will not take the cash option for this one). We also knew we wanted to pass along the information to all of our youth ministry friends in the country to show them that they too can get a free Nintendo Wii by following the steps below:
2) Sign up and choose an account type (Referral is the easiest).
3) Complete just 1 offer (like Blockbuster, Netflix or [ even gives you you $5 in stamps just for joining!]) and then refer other people to do the same under your referral link. (The 40GB PS3 needs only 8 referrals the 80 GB needs only 10)
4) Receive your Wii for FREE!
5) If you join under's referral (done automatically by clicking one of the links on step #1), and sign up for an offer, we will send you our "Appetizer Collection" for download for free for helping us. (Your e-mail will show up in our referral account)
Give it a try and get your free Wii for yourself or your youth group!
It could not be more easy!
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